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Visiting nature, the green way

 Published 10th November 2022
General Guides  Low Emission Vehicles 

Driving an EV around town is a bit of a no-brainer these days. Emissions free, quiet and comfortable, and most of the UK's towns are now fully equipped to deal with your charging requirements. If you've got a home charger installed as well then you'll never have to worry about battery range. And thanks to a new project from BMW and National Parks UK you can now get out into the countryside and enjoy the same charging freedom.

BMW UK and National Parks UK have announced a new three-year partnership, called Recharge in Nature, that will help to make the 15 National Parks even more accessible for electric cars.

The UK's 15 National Parks are visited over 100 million times each year and the vast majority of these visits are made by car. With EVs already accounting for 14% of all new cars hitting the country's roads, pressure on the limited recharging networks in the National Parks is growing. BMW's Recharge in Nature project will enhance this network with the installation of Pod Point recharging posts at key locations across the 15 UK National Parks, easing access to these beauty spots for zero emission vehicles.

The first location to receive an EV upgrade is the Lake District National Park

The Lake District National Park has begun the installation of recharging posts. It was chosen because it is the most visited of all the National Parks and because the enhanced recharging network has the potential to support local communities as well as to increase travel choices for tourists.

Richard Leafe, CEO, Lake District National Park, said: "In the Lake District, we are aiming to be a net zero National Park by 2037 and one of the best ways to achieve this is by reducing carbon emissions from visitor travel. Our partnership with BMW is a significant step towards this, giving visitors and communities a wider choice of sustainable travel options, meaning we can all play a part in continuing to protect and enhance this special place.”

Over the next three years, the project will also support locally delivered initiatives enabling more sustainable tourism, nature restoration, and biodiversity. These supported projects will enable the National Parks to promote more sustainable UK tourism, enhance wellbeing and to restore nature and biodiversity, helping the National Parks to progress faster and with greater impact in these priority areas.

The first Recharge in Nature Fund grant will support the restoration of dew ponds in the South Downs National Park. It will then widen that support to other projects within Snowdonia, Dartmoor and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs in 2023, with projects at the other 11 National Parks yet to be confirmed.

Obviously you don't need to drive an electric car to visit some of the most beautiful areas the country has to offer, but it's nice to know it will soon be easier and more convenient when you do. And if you're thinking of making your next lease an electric one you'll soon be able to add the national parks to your favourite charging destinations.

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