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Bored of working at home? Try your car instead

 Published 22nd April 2020
General Guides 

Here's a thing. When lockdown started working from home was quite novel.

There was the the videoconferencing in your posh top while still wearing your PJs on your lower half; the delight at not having to negotiate the grind of the daily commute; the relief at not having to see some of your less desirable colleagues; a bit of sneaky sleeping in; and if you have pets, more time with your favourite cat or dog.

But now, with lockdown still going on, how's that home office looking? A bit, well, boring? Is working at home losing some of its appeal? Need a bit of peace and quiet?

Well, here's an idea to brighten up your working life while you're at home. Transfer it to your car.

That's right. Now if you drive a MINI this could be a bit tricky, but if you have a large enough car - an MPV would be ideal - it could make a novel way to work. And you'd be away from some of those home distractions (aka the noisy family).

Something like a Sharan , perhaps?

Volkswagen's MPV makes an ideal work station particularly if you need to video conference a team meeting without the phone ringing or children yelling through the living room, all at the same time. Of course!

So working from the car could be the best solution for anyone needing a few hours a day to concentrate on completing some tasks for their job in peace. And quiet.

There are the cup holders to store coffee cups and water bottles, two are available in each row of seats. Documents can slip into side pockets in the door trim. And once the Internet connection has been established with a mobile hotspot or LTE dongle, there is nothing stopping incoming and outgoing emails as well as video conferencing with colleagues.

There are folding tables on the seatbacks where you can put your notebook, plus USB ports and if fitted a 230 volt socket on the rear centre console to recharge laptops and smartphones.

It's almost a home from home work station. But without the interruptions and noise.

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