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Porsche shatters its own record

 Published 14th February 2024
Driver Guides  Electric Vehicles  New Launches 

Do you like to drive really fast? We’re not for one moment going to advocate you drive like a reckless idiot on public roads, but that doesn’t mean speed can’t be something to be enjoyed under the proper circumstances.

If you do want to be able to drive really fast, there might be something happening in Stuttgart that could be of interest to you. We don’t know much at the moment, but it appears that the city’s most famous export, Porsche, has just developed its fastest EV ever: the new Taycan.

We should probably explain that the car in question is a pre-production model. We can’t claim to speak for Porsche or to know its future plans, but what you’re looking at is likely to be the replacement for the current Porsche Taycan EV.

So far, Porsche hasn’t told us much other than the fact this is the fastest EV the engineers have created to date. And by fast, we mean really, really, really fast.

Here are a few facts to put this claim into context –

Back in 2019, Porsche set a new standard for four-door, all-electric sports cars on the Nürburgring-Nordschleife. Test driver Lars Kern lapped the legendary track, famously known as the Green Hell, in a time of seven minutes and 42 seconds. Interestingly, he was driving a pre-production model of the Taycan.

To follow up that lap, in 2022 the same driver lapped the same track in a production model of the current Taycan Turbo S in just seven minutes and 33 seconds. Granted, the car in question was also fitted with a Porsche performance package, but underneath it was essentially the same car you could lease today. And even without the performance pack the twin-motor, all-wheel drive Taycan Turbo S still develops more than 600bhp so it’s undoubtedly massively powerful.

In the world of motorsport, nine seconds is an absolute eternity. To have improved a lap time by nine seconds with basically the same car, and within three years is a fantastic achievement.

An achievement that has now been blown completely out of the water.

Same driver, same track, but this time the pre-production version of the Taycan registered a lap time of seven minutes and seven seconds. If a nine second gap is an eternity we don’t even have the words to define a 26 second gap.

If the two laps were completed side-by-side, the new Taycan would have finished almost a mile ahead of the current Turbo S model…even with the performance pack. That’s a huge leap in performance. A lap time of 7:07 puts the Porsche Taycan in the same league as some of those multi-million-pound hypercars, and they don’t have four doors, back seats, or even a boot you can actually fit things in.

So, while we don’t have any firm details about the new Taycan, we can tell you that if you want to go really, really, really fast, you might want to consider leasing yourself a PORSCHE Taycan.

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