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MG4 wins UK Car of the Year award

 Published 10th March 2023
General Guides  Low Emission Vehicles 

What do you look for in a winning car?

Affordability? Yes, we'd like some of that. Practicality? Yes please, add that to the list. All-electric? Oh, well, yes for lower running costs, that's a good idea.

Say hello, then, to this year's UK Car of the Year - the MG4.

The all-electric MG4 delivers all of the above in spades, a fact that did not go unnoticed amongst the 27 judging panel of motoring journalists.

Affordability, practicality and driving range were pinpointed as key attributes by the judges, proving that electric cars can be within everyone's budget, while also excelling in areas such as design and driving dynamics.

Alisdair Suttie, a UK Car of the Year Awards director, said: “MG has come up with the perfect car for our times. With plenty of range and quick charging, it takes the chore out of EV ownership and makes it a desirable way to travel. It's simply a fantastic all-round family car.”

Meanwhile, another judge, Tristan Young reviewed the car in and said the MG4 was “One of the best battery electric cars available.”

Receiving the winner's trophy from John Challen (above left), director of the UK Car of the Year Awards, Guy Pigounakis (right) commercial director of MG UK said he was delighted to receive the accolade.

“The MG4 has proved to be a hit with both existing and new customers since it arrived in September last year – and it is also hugely encouraging that so many expert reviewers hold the same opinion as well. We'd like to thank everyone at UK Car of the Year for this award – this is a significant achievement for MG.”

Indeed, so if you were unsure as to which car to lease next, then the answer is here: the UK Car of the Year. With MG4 leasing rentals starting from under £250 + VAT per month, you'll certainly get that winning feeling.

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