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Premier League stars and their premier league cars

 Published 9th July 2021
General Guides 

Imagine for a moment you hadn't been born with two left feet and all the sporting prowess of a poached egg. What if you'd been first pick for the school football team? And first pick to actually play, not just to collect the balls and put them away after training. How different would your life be if only you'd had the raw talent and natural ability to be a Premier League footballer?

We can't actually answer that question, but thanks to Fixter, the UK's first online, end to end car maintenance service we can tell you with a reasonable degree of confidence what you'd be driving. It might even give you some inspiration for your next lease car.

As sports fans, Fixter was interested in the relationship between footballers and their cars, so set out to discover which brands players' drive. Focusing on the English Premier League, the research analysed the top players from this season and the position they play to compile a list of almost 150 footballers from all 20 teams.

The most, or perhaps least surprising fact depending on how closely you follow football, is the correlation between the player's position and the car they drive.

Over half of defenders own an SUV, the highest proportion among all positions, which isn't a surprise for a group of players whose jobs require solid dependability and rugged performance. By contrast, the flashy players up front who get all the glory own the highest proportion of sports cars, as well as owning the most cars overall. Given that weekly salary seems to decrease the further back you play it shouldn't be a surprise to find that goalkeepers own the least number of cars.

Goalkeepers and defenders also drive the least expensive cars in the index, at an average of £81,222 per model across all car types. Forwards own the most expensive cars overall, at an average of £96,151 per model across all car types. On average, the most expensive car owned by defenders costs £107,484, and for midfielders, this figure rises to £136,275. Then there's a big jump because the average price of the most expensive car in the forwards' garage costs a whopping £192,782. Sports cars bought by forwards are the most expensive models in the index, at an average price of £201,871.

And just to rub it in a little more…it takes the average English League footballer 3 hours, 17 minutes and 12 seconds of time on the pitch to afford their most expensive car. It must be nice to roll into work in the morning and know you'll be able to afford a Ferrari by lunchtime.

But what are they actually driving to training every day?

Looking at every car owned by every player at every club, the research revealed the 10 most popular brands across the Premier League. And we're willing to bet none of it will come as a real surprise. Given the popularity of those luxury SUVs the fact the top three consists of Mercedes, Range Rover and Audi is pretty much a given. Bentley and Porsche complete the top five. The supercars don't appear until you get to positions six and seven, with Lamborghini just ahead of Ferrari. Maybe those footballers aren't as flash as we might believe, especially considering the list is completed by BMW at number eight and Volkswagen at number 10. Although admittedly that argument isn't helped by the fact Rolls Royce sits between them in ninth place.

Although what you really want to know is which players are splashing the cash on the most expensive cars. We appreciate you're going to pretend you're not really interested, but deep down inside we know you are.

The list of the top 20 most expensive cars is topped by Pierre Emerick Aubameyang (Arsenal) and Heung Min Son (Spurs), both of whom have handed over £1.2 million for the privilege of parking a Ferrari LaFerrari on the drive. And if you're really not interested, it took Aubameyang 6 hours and 18 minutes to earn the money. Son required a much more reasonable 9 hours. What is slightly surprising about the list is that there aren't actually many Ferraris on it. Of the 20 most expensive cars, there are seven Lamborghinis, six Rolls Royce, four Ferraris, two Bentleys, and a lone McLaren.

Now we're all horribly envious there is a little ray of normality in all of this.

It turns out that you can drive a Premier League player's car too. Number 1 on the list of the shortest playing time to afford their car is Chelsea midfielder, N'Golo Kante, who needs to work a mere 10 mins and 15 seconds to buy his car. Not because he earns a ridiculous amount of money (although he does earn a lot), but because he potters around West London in a £24k MINI Cooper S, just like thousands of others do every day. It just takes them a little longer than 10 mins to pay for it.

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