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UK charging infrastructure powering up at record rate

 Published 24th December 2023
Driver Guides  Electric Vehicles 

Amidst the growing popularity of EVs there has been one crucial area lagging behind the take-up. It’s brilliant that the UK has begun to embrace the electric vehicle, but too many people are being left in the dark because of a lack of charging infrastructure. It’s taken a while to catch up but that situation is beginning to change. And it’s starting to happen at pace.


Zapmap, the UK’s leading charge point mapping service, recently pointed to the fact that the country had passed the significant milestone of 10,000 rapid and ultra-rapid electric vehicle charging points and in its year end report there had been a 45% increase in charging devices, from 37,261 at end 2022 to 53,906 at end 2024.

What’s more the number of charging hubs - featuring six or more rapid or ultra rapid devices - had grown by 114%. Typical of these are Gridserve’s new London Gatwick hub featuring 30 electric chargers.

Ultra-rapid chargers, providing 100kW or more of power, are really useful for drivers wanting to charge their EV quickly on longer journeys. These devices can add roughly 100 miles of charge in about 15 minutes.

At the end of 2020, the 788 devices in the UK of 100kW or more accounted for 20% of the country’s high-powered chargers. By the end of December 2023, there were almost 4,870 of these ultra-rapid chargers, comprising a significant 46% of high-powered devices across the country.


Melanie Shufflebotham, Co-founder & COO at Zapmap, commented:

“Overall 2023 was a very good year for EV charging with the rate of installation showing record growth, particularly for the higher powered chargers to support EV drivers on longer journeys.

“Zapmap’s focus continues to be on providing EV drivers with the information they need to find reliable, available charging when they are out and about.  Whilst less than 3% of EV drivers would go back to petrol / diesel, we know that EV drivers want more chargers and a better charger experience.

“As we move into 2024 we look forward to continued progress in both these areas as more and more drivers make the positive move to driving electric.”

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