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(Virtual) action-packed Porsche Supercup races to a brilliant start

 Published 6th April 2020
General Guides 

IF you weren't putting a flutter on the virtual Grand National, then we hope you logged on to see the first rounds of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Virtual Edition.

We previewed the race , but unlike the AI horses participating in the Grand National (no, we didn't win either) the 31 drivers in the Porsche Supercup were actually racing the cars on the iRacing platform.

For the record, Dutch driver Larry ten Voorde (NL/Team GP Elite) won the first race and Turkish Porsche Junior Ayhancan Güven (TR/Martinet by Alméras) won the second.

Both races were packed with thrills and spills. There were plenty of audacious overtaking moves that inevitably led to...well...let's put it kindly, a high number of retirements, especially among the Porsche works drivers. Only Sven Müller (D/Agility Management AG), Simona de Silvestro (CH/ABB) and the UK's own Nick Tandy (GB/ExxonMobil Oil Corporation) were able to hold their own against the seasoned Supercup specialists at the wheel of their virtual 911 GT3 Cup vehicles.

Oliver Schwab, the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Project Manager, said after the event:

"Now that was sensational racing, especially at the front of the field. Our virtual opening double-header event on the iRacing platform showed just how well our Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup drivers can perform at the limit – no matter whether it's virtual or real motor racing,"

A total of 31 drivers took up the virtual event in their 485 hp Porsche 911 GT3 Cup racers. Now we can't offer you a virtual car to lease, but we do have plenty of real Porsche models available to lease at Gateway2Lease. Have a look at our great selection of Porsche lease deals - including the road going GT3.

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